Our Vision
Apart from modern manufacturing plant, quality control labs and R & D center, it keeps abreast of ever-changing demand of textile industry, national & international requirements for environment & other product related legislations etc. The dyes marketed by KIL are GOTS registered and pre-registered with REACH. KIL has always focussed on upgradation in quality of its products and is recognized as an ISO-9000 certified company.
All experiments are controlled in fuming chambers. There is special facility for storage of hazardous chemicals in fuming storage cabinets.
Resource optimization
- Company’s business practice governs by “Reduction, Reuse, Recycling and Recovery” principle with a strong emphasis on resource optimization. The company is updating production process of the existing products for reduction in process time, cost of production and wastes right at the source and to develop environment friendly and non-hazardous new products.
- At basic chemicals manufacturing unit, extra superheated steam from waste heat system is utilized for the generation of 3.3 MW electricity which helps to conserve natural resources.

Green field projects
- Vinyl Sulphone expansion project having zero industrial wastewater process technology.
- H acid expansion project of the company is fully DCS based and automated plant. KIL is bringing this technology first time in India. This technology will improve operational efficiency, reduce the usage of raw materials, will have a zero discharge of industrial wastewater.
Environmental compliance
- KIL’s units at Vatva and Padra feature optimally effective in-house effluent treatment plants, conforming to GPCB’s outlet norms.
- Zero effluent discharge products has gained the acknowledgement and appreciation of GPCB, other government agencies and environmental groups.
- Periodical internal evaluations are conducted backed by third-party monitoring by an Environmental Auditor recognized by the GPCB (Gujarat Pollution Control Board).

Water resources
- At dyes intermediate unit, by-products are being recovered, recycled and re-used in process and leftover quantity sale to end users. Dyes intermediate unit has developed unique water reduction, recovery, recycling and reusing system.
- The company has opted ultra filtration and reverse osmosis technology for effluent recycling system at its dyes unit.
Our Mision
Eco-friendly products
- KIL offers different range of Reactive dyes which are eco-friendly and also cost effective
- Kiraactive ME, Kirazol KR/KX, and Kirazol S & W range of dyes are bi-functional/ multifunctional dyes which give high exhaustion & high fixation on cellulosic fabrics under warm dyeing conditions. Thus unfixed/hydrolysed dyes are reduced to a great extent in the post dyeing liquid. Similarly Kiractive HE/HEXL range of dyes are also bi-reactive dyes having high exhaustion/high fixation under hot dyeing conditions which results in very low amount of unfixed/hydrolysed dye in effluent after dyeing.
- Kiractive ‘CN’ range of dyes can be dyed at almost neutral ph without alkali addition for fixation and hence effluent after dyeing is just neutral

Safety and Health
- KIL’s business telescope keeps a sharp focus on the larger picture of life. The company’s occupational Health and Safety Policy is based on the promise that all accidents are preventable.
- The company considers nothing more important than the safety and health of its people, the larger community outside of the company and the environment as a whole. All employees are trained to work on sites in the safest possible manner and are aware of the consequences of unsafe behavior. The company allots adequate budget for improving the safety of operations and on initiatives to enhance the safety and health of employees.
- The company has provided occupational health centers at Vatva and Padra units with qualified factory medical officer to carry out regular health monitoring of its employees which includes regular health check-ups, special health checks for employees working in hazardous areas, eye, ergonomic surveys, stress management, first aid training and other training workshops.
Other Noticeable Initiatives
- KIL’s units at Vatva and Padra feature optimally effective in-house effluent treatment plants, conforming to GPCB’s outlet norms.
- Zero effluent discharge products has gained the acknowledgement and appreciation of GPCB, other government agencies and environmental groups.
- Periodical internal evaluations are conducted backed by third-party monitoring by an Environmental Auditor recognized by the GPCB (Gujarat Pollution Control Board).
- The company holds an ISO 14001:2004 Certification for Environment Management, for its Intermediates division and ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 Certification for all its units.
- For emission minimization, adequate stack heights have been provided to all the flue gas stacks and process vents. Efficient air pollution control systems are installed in respective units and all are operated and maintained regularly to ensure adherence to GPCB’s pollution control norms. At dyes plant, the company opted bag type dust collector system for all spray dryers to abate air pollution.
- Additional to air exhaust ventilators, the company has provided gas absorption system at dyes units to improve work place air quality. At all units, preventive maintenance of all valves, fittings, pumps and other equipment is carried out regularly to ensure that there is no spillages/leakages leading to fugitive emission.
- Sulphuric Acid is manufactured through the Double Conversion Double Absorption (DCDA) system, ensuring that emissions stay way below even the updated limit of GPCB.
- In the KIL plants, various hazardous wastes are collected, stored and disposed off as per the recently updated Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Trans-boundary Movement) Rules. Working area of all units is impervious to protect the soil contamination.
- Proper house keeping practices make the system easier and less costly.
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We as a “Global Export Leadership” Manufacturing Excellence, Innovating Colours, Your partner in Dyes innovation and Excellence, embrace “Future full of colours”